Scrimber - a contribution to climate protection

Wood construction is booming. Now, more efficient wood construction products are needed to meet the high demand. Scrimber is a quantum leap in efficiency.

Building products made of wood store around one ton of CO₂ per cubic meter, as entire trees - from the trunk to the crown - are processed into building products. Scrimber is the solution for the complete elimination of steel and concrete in building construction. This is an important contribution to climate protection.

Timbatec participates with other research partners to further develop Scrimber, based on findings in Australia in the 1970s and experience with bamboo. This will bring the new large-format, low-cost Scrimber product to the ready for the market.

Scrimber was founded in 2022 and, like Timabtec, is part of the Timbagroup. For more information about Scrimber, please visit


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